Holy Angels Catholic Community
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Holy Angels Catholic Church, a contemporary Catholic community, began on Good Friday, 2004. The members started gathering in their homes for Mass and fellowship. The members of Holy Angels soon needed more space, and moved to their location in Spring Hill, Florida in September of 2004. We offer Confirmation and Bible Study classes. Please contact Reverend Zorn for more information.


A Special Place For You!

In the midst of so much uncertainty, church should be a place where we can go to find something positive; a place full of hope, where families grow closer, where hurts can be healed and joys shared.


Come and celebrate our sameness and accept our differences. Come and share your uniqueness, personality, talents and gifts. Come and learn more about God, and experience his wonderful presence.

Come and join Holy Angels Catholic Church, a special place for you!

Reverend Patricia Zorn serves as Pastor of Holy Angels.



Contact Holy Angels Catholic Community by clicking HERE
A Parish of the Catholic Church in America